Tuesday 6 September 2011

The Ice Queen

  The look in her eyes chilled me. It also stopped me from saying my next thought. Good thing too, because if I had said it, it probably would have dumped me in some deep cow muck. No, not cow muck, more like her ice prison.

  Her face lead me to contemplate what I could say and do next. I was just short of getting up and walking out. I wondered if she could see this on my face. One sincerely hopes not.

  My fingers were frozen in her chilled room. I wondered how a slim woman like her could keep warm in that get-up she was wearing. A thin pale blue shirt, a black mini-skirt, and these awfully painful looking sharp high heels- black with a sliver buckle on them-. They were so high I swear she could walk up to somebody six feet tall and still be taller then them!

  I know my face was frozen. I mean, who's face wouldn't be in a room like this? It seemed as though she lived in ice and snow. Brr.

  She looked up from her desk (clear glass with a blue tint to it) with a frown as deep as the grand canyon on her face.

“Why are you still here?” she asked frostily. Her face couldn't even crack a smile, even if somebody smashed her face and put it back together in a smile. It wouldn't work!

“I-” she cut me off. How rude, I thought.

“Didn't you hear me?!” she said her words frosting me to my chair. “Get out!”

I broke her ice cold gaze and cracked my butt off my seat. Then got up and left. So much for that, I thought disappointedly. Not even the sunniest person in the office could warm the ice queen. Or even get her to crack a smile.

I looked back to her door. A smile came to my face as I thought of one last way I could get her to smile.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number. Then another one. Then I put down the phone. My work here was done. I know she would smile now.

Later that afternoon a bouquet of flowers, oh such a pretty pale blue colour and a expensive box of chocolates arrived at the front desk for the ice queen.
  She came out of her office and looked at them in shock, who would send her these flowers? And the chocolates? She looked at the tag and it said: To a very special lady, from a friend!
   Right in front of the whole office and me she did something none of us had seen. She smiled.

© Writtenbysomebody

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