Monday 26 September 2011

Two Broken Hearts - part two

I woke up with a jerk. i had fallen asleep on my bed again. I looked at my clock and realized i must have slept for sixteen hours. I had never slept that long before. It was now eight o'clock in the morning.
Suddenly i heard the car start up in the garage next door. I heard i back down the drive then i got up and I watched Wendy drive down the drive. She was going to town to buy some groceries. Again. With me here they always seemed to be needing something. I know Gerry was working, as always.
Wendy had being gone half an hour and already i was bored. I got up from my bed and got dressed, then i started dusting. I hated dusting. Then i vacuumed the carpet, and mopped and polished the wooden floors.
Still i was bored. My mind wandered. That horse out in the stables. The one Gerry and Wendy brought yesterday. I wondered what it was doing.
It was used to being outside so it must be bored stiff, i decided. I quietly slipped outside to the stables. There was two stables, and one big hay shed, empty. I walked to the nearest stable.
The brown pony was standing there, head hanging and ears dropped sideways. I felt kinda sorry for him. He didn't like humans, and i didn't want another horse. Especially not one that looked like Shadow.
I pulled up a overturned metal bucket and sat on it, and i watched him. To my surprise, he watched me back. Not with interest. But with a dull dispirited look. It was like he expected me to hurt him, in some way.
I watched him for ages. Time seemed to slide by, and i heard the car pull up. I quickly jumped up making my pail clatter to the ground. The pony started jumping back to the back of his stall. I ran into my room and shut the door. I picked up my book and pretended to read. But all i could see was that pony's face, when i startled him. His eyes were wide with fear, but his ears were pinned flat back as though he was angry.

“Dear?” Wendy's voice sounded at my door. “Are you in there?”

I put down my book, and opened the door. “Yeah, where did you think I'd be?”

Her face told me where. In with the pony bonding. Suddenly i hated that pony. I hated him for coming here and ruining Shadow's memory, and i hated him for having the same colour coat as Shadow.
Bitter emotions must have been running over my face because Wendy looked chastened.

“I'm sorry dear.” she said her eyes truly sorry. “I didn't mean anything by that i just-” she broke off.

I knew what she was going to say. That she just wanted to help me get over Shadow's death and start riding again.
But my face had cut her off. I knew what i looked like because i could see myself in my mirror next to the door. My eyes were little slits in my head, and my mouth was in a thin straight tight line, and all the veins were sticking out all over my neck. This meant i was either very angry and trying to keep my temper or it meant i was going to blow.
She didn't say anything, she just stood there with her eyes lowered. I pushed past her and i started to run. I ran all the way down to the back paddock right out to the little stream, that only Shadow and i knew about. It was right in the corner of the paddock, tucked away in the pines and brambles.
I had made a seat to place there, and which now wore a little brass plate saying, May you become a true Shadow, my dear friend. I rubbed my fingers over the brass plate. My fingers left little warm prints where i touched it.
I curled up on the chair, and sat there just listening to the soft water trickling through the rocks. Daylight fell fast and soon i was in the dark. My empty stomach betrayed me with a grumble. I knew i would have to eat soon, much to my disgust. I did not want to go back up to the house, at least not until tomorrow.

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